Immigration Law

At Revolance Legal our immigration lawyers can provide assistance with the following matters of immigration law:

  • Helping people obtain either temporary or permanent residency
  • Assistance with extension of visas
  • Helping people bring their family members to Australia
  • Sponsoring overseas employees to work in Australia
  • Provide assistance for people to appeal refused visas
  • Helping with immigration legislation, such as assisting people in identifying reasons as to why their application should not be refused/residence cancelled

Foreign Investment

The Foreign Investment Review Board examines proposals by foreign investors to initiate direct investment in Australia’s economy. They also make recommendations to the Government on whether these proposals are suitable for approval under the Government’s foreign investment policy.

The main functions of the Board are to:

  • Examine proposals by foreign interests
  • Advise the Government on foreign investment matters
  • Foster awareness of the investment policy
  • Provide guidance to foreign investors to ensure conformance with the policy

Revolance Legal can provide assistance and advice regarding matters of foreign investment in Australia. We have solicitors with extensive experience in this field and clients that rely on the firm’s advisory capacity to facilitate growth of their assets in this country.

Contact us to find out more or to arrange a consultation with an experienced foreign investment lawyer in Sydney.

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